Botanical name: Ziziphus
Arabic name: sidr or nabaq

Jujube is a type of fruit that comes from the jujube tree, which is native to Asia. It is also known as the Chinese date or red date. Jujube is considered a superfood in some cultures due to its high nutritional value and potential health benefits.

In confectionery: Dried red dates can be used in place of raisins or palm date fruits in cakes and other desserts. Jujube fruits can also be roasted, smoked, soaked in liquor, candied, juiced, and made into jams and spreads.

In Pharmaceutical: Jujube is a plant native to China that could be used in medicine and food. Its dried fruit is a superior herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine formulations for its calming effect and for nourishing the blood and strengthening the spleen and stomach

In Tea Industry: dried jujube is made into fruit snacks or brewed with tea, and it is also commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formulations for both medicinal and flavoring purposes.

In Culinary: The dried fruits can be eaten directly, but they’re also often cooked into soups and tea.

In Cosmetic: Jujube extract has a range of benefits for the skin, including its antioxidant, soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, skin-brightening, anti-aging, wound-healing, and UV-protective properties.

In Traditional Medicines:  Jujube is mainly used in traditional medicines including oriental, Chinese Kampo and Ayurveda medicine more than 1000 years.

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